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Consultant and Advocate

IMT Students’ Consultant and Academic Advisor & Students’ Advocate

IMT Students’ Consultant and Academic Advisor

Ioannis Kazanidis

Assistant professor

Department of Informatics




Assistant Professor Dr. Ioannnis Kazanidis is acting as the IMT Students’ Consultant and Academic Advisor for the IMT Program

In line with official regulation No 16/13.10.2021, of MODIP Unit of the International Hellenic University (IHU), part of the Students’ Consultant role and services are:


a) Support for the facilitation of first-year students in their studies and study mode, full time, part time nonprogram, etc.


b) Course content, participation in workshops, utilization of the infrastructure of the Department's workshops, ways of evaluating course performance, encouraging the student to participate in progress, tests, series of exercises, supplementary teaching with additional tutorials, etc., which help the student to understand and to successfully complete the courses in which the student has difficulties in study methods, bibliography retrieval etc..


c) Content of compulsory and elective courses, determining the optimal choice of courses, minimizing exam failure and discussing with the student so that the choice of courses is consistent with his personal interests, skills and abilities.


d) Discussion of exam results.


e) Choice of topic for Independent Studies or of the IMT MSc theses.


f) Postgraduate studies at a PhD (at the Department, in Greece and abroad).


g) Professional prospects (opportunities in public, private sector, freelance, job abroad).


h) Discussion of any topic that creates study roadblocks

i) Educational, personal Issues with teachers.


j) Information about the services offered by the University to its students (Student welfare, Internship Office, etc.).

All the discussions and communication contend with the IMT Consultant are covered by the GDPR legislations for the protection of students' personal data and the obligation to observe confidentiality applies, which continues even after the termination of the duties of the Consultant/ Academic Advisor.


Contact methods

IMT Consultant/ Academic Advisor can be contacted vie the following communication channels

Email: kazanidis@cs.ihu.gr

Phone : (+30) 2510 462 625

Skype : ikazanidis


 Via the Metaverse (Private) Space


IMT Students’ Advocate


Nikolaos Kokkinos

Associate professor

Laboratory Director: Petroleum and Natural Gas Chemistry

Director of PMS "Oil and Natural Gas Technology"




In accordance with the Decision of the IHU Steering Committee

No. DF 2.1/17423/30-10-2020 Topic 13th, Associate Professor Dr Nikolaos Kokkinos of the Department of Chemistry is appointed for the Faculty of Science of IHU, serves as the IMT Students’ Advocate


·        The responsibilities of the Students’ Advocate are:


·        Receiving and examine of students’ requests for problems they face with academic and administrative services and


·        Explore potential solutions to these problems, facilitating the student's contacts with administrative bodies and services.


·        Examination of reports-complaints of students for violation of provisions and rules of University Legislation and Ethics


·        Informing students about their rights and obligations as members of the University Community



It is highlighted that the Student Advocates do not have jurisdiction over students’ exams and grades.



Contact methods

IMT Consultant/ Academic Advisor cab be contacted vie the following communication channels

Nikolaos Kokkinos

Associate professor

Laboratory Director: Petroleum and Natural Gas Chemistry

Director of PMS "Oil and Natural Gas Technology"

Office: EXN21 (TOL3)

Phone: (+30) 2510 462 294

Email: nck@chem.ihu.gr

Contact with students: Monday 10:00 – 12:00